Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Grain direction

Norwegian translation:


Added to glossary by Kjell Thornes
Jan 18, 2007 16:32
18 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Grain direction

English to Norwegian Other Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts) foto fremkalling
det er ett bestillingsskjema. vet ikke om det er fremkalling av vanlig film, eller rtg. eller annet, men det står først "plate size (length, width, thicness)", og deretter "grain direction" (grain short, or grain long, or not applicable). Så er det rubrikk til å fylle i svar....
noen som har peiling på dette?
Proposed translations (Norwegian)
5 fiberretning

Proposed translations

24 mins


grain: The orientation of the fibers of paper, cloth, or board.

grain direction: The direction in which the greater number of fibers are oriented in paper or board. As applied to cloth, the term refers to the way the fibers are woven. In any case, the orientation of fibers tends to make the material stiffer in the direction parallel to those fibers, and more flexible and likelier to curl in the direction perpendicular to them. The former is the grain direction; the latter is the cross direction.
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