The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Engineering (general) Translation Glossary

French term English translation
M1 ép. M1 thickness
Embout de réduction reducing adapter
hors rétention [without/outside of] spillage containment (trays / systems / kits ...)
intermédiaires consommés production consumables
rondelle CS conical spring (CS) washer
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
sous forme d'ozacalque polyester polydraw / polyester dyeline master / drafting film
Entered by: Gary Key
ventilation mécanique contrôlée controlled mechanical ventilation
"boitier" d'une serrure electrique electric lock case
"canalisations publiques" municipal pipes
"cavites souterraines" underground cavities
"Fleur" means only flower?? and "boucher=clog" fine lapping
"Force" three-phase power
"mazout ecoule" leaking fuel oil
"pointu" highly specific
"rosace de securite" safety escutcheon
(mesure du) dépassement des têtes vidéo [videotape recorders] (measurement of) video head protusion
Entered by: Tony M
(prise [etc.]) du commerce commercially-available OR off-the-shelf (plug, etc.)
Entered by: Tony M
(travaux de) fouille et de remblais [construction / civil engineering] excavation and backfilling (smaller-scale projects) OR cut and fill (large projects)
Entered by: Tony M
- La taille en maillons des tronçons de chaîne assemblés à la livraison length (in links) of chain sections assembled upon delivery
1 328,620 TM 1,328.620 MT OR 1328.620 MT
3 p /an 3 shifts/year
a la limite du passage à (or: en)... [a meter reading, setting, etc.] just at the point where it changes to...
Entered by: Tony M
A/M moteur électrique electric motor stop/start or on/out
aérorefrigérant (atmospheric) cooling tower
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
accès enveloppe enclosure port
accès et sortie vehicules "bâti roulant" construction materials drive-through vehicle entrance/exit
accouplement de réduction avec vis sans fin Schneckengetriebe
accrochage stalling
accroches crevées lanced hooks
Achats centraux Head/main purchasing/procurement Department
Entered by: EirTranslations
Entered by: Michael Meskers
ailettes de cloisonnement partitioning / shielding fins
aires d’avions et chaussées routières aprons and roads of the airport
Alarme basse pression air comprimé filtre nourrices Supply filter low compressed air pressure alarm
Alimentation à découpage et réenclenchement SMPS with automatic reset
Entered by: Mark Nathan
alimentation de traitement fuel conditioner intake
allant en s'atténuant dying away / decaying
Entered by: Tony M
aller-retour primaire 1"Ø primary feed / return, 1" Ø
Entered by: Tony M
aménagement de haute chute High head hydroelectric plant
Entered by: liz askew
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