The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Esoteric practices Translation Glossary

French term English translation
a été le théâtre as the one which occurred (Rephrase)
échanger des conversations to enter into dialogue
Entered by: svetlana cosquéric
causes lointaines remote causes
croix du recours aux 7 pouvoirs mystical keepsake (brings you 7 unique powers)
faire une légère entorse to slightly twist (the meaning of the word)
formes vivratoires vibratory shapes
Glaçons anti-lendemains de cuite anti-hangover ice treatment
il faudra le recul du temps only time will tell
la carte de la célébrité the card of fame
Entered by: svetlana cosquéric
livrer des banalités spoke only platitudes
Entered by: svetlana cosquéric
mal-vivre misfortune
mener sur le bon chemin point us in the right direction
Entered by: svetlana cosquéric
monde principiel theoretical world
Entered by: Christine Brazeau
n'ont pas à retourner en arrière have no need to look back
rester à l'état de paroles went no further than spoken words
s'il survient un échec even when proved wrong
sciences occultes Occult sciences
se vivre to involve
Entered by: svetlana cosquéric
sincères true
Entered by: svetlana cosquéric
tournoiement intertwining
Entered by: Helen Shiner
union effective marriage(union) that works
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