The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Tourism & Travel Translation Glossary

French term English translation
conduite souple smooth driving
Conférences thématiques Themed talks
confirmées d'office confirmed when you book
Confort / Grand Confort Standard / Superior
conjuguer au futur look/turn to the future
contrat d\'assistance (travel) assistance insurance
Contrat no. mat Contract No. Subject:/Concerning:
coqs de plâtre stone sentinels /mascots
coup de bambou (the prices are) sky-high
coup de cœur favourites, preferences
coupeurs d'herbes herbalisers
coupure Oxbow bend (or lake)
Entered by: Helene Tammik
crapahut trek
cravates écologies environmental information cards
Entered by: Mark Nathan
critères de choix selection criteria / reasons for selecting
croix de pierre à boule stone cross and ball
culbuto bud vase (wobble) OR centerpiece
cure anti-stress vitaminée for an energizing / invigorating anti-stress treatment
cymbaliser chirrup
Dans la peau d’un requin through the eyes of a shark
dans le cadre des carrières antiques ; monolithes en calcaire in the context of ancient OR old quarries; limestone monolith
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
danser sans attendre que la bise vienne dance without a care in the world
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
débardage à cheval draft-horse logging
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
déclaratif statement
décor métissé amid the seamlessly blended styles of the decor
décoration éphemère event / venue decor
Entered by: Gayle Wallimann
dédoubler to double the size of, to increase [the size of the building] two-fold
Entered by: Mark Radcliffe
définition hard/soft tangible/intangible or visible/invisible or a combination
délogement guest relocation
dépaysement change of scenery
de Rives en Rêves river reverie
de toutes pièces from scratch, from nothing
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
demi double twin room, sharing
des « falleros » pour relancer la fête des fallas ..."falleros" to relaunch/revive the "fallas" festivities...
des matériaux bruts simplicity of materials/simple materials
descente aux flambeaux torchlit ski descent
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
Desserte parisienne Scheduled flights to and from Paris
Deux parcours pédagogiques avec tables de lecture two discovery trails with information points (or panels)
directeur exploitation - permis d'exploitation Operations manager - operating permit
direction des publics information department
Entered by: Helen Shiner
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