The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Transport / Transportation / Shipping Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Pseudo-Achse pseudo (McPherson) axle
PTA purified terephthalic acid (PTA)
Pufferkante buffer edge
Pufferlager buffer stock(s)
PZB-gesichert protected by the intermittent APS (automatic train protection) system
qualifiziertes Verschulden default [considered equivalent to wilful misconduct]
Quellen und Senken origins and destinations
Quereinsteiger convert
Querpalettierung cross palletizing
querschiffs athwartships
Entered by: Peter Zauner
Querweg crosscut
quittieren acknowledge
quittiert acknowledged
Entered by: Darko Kolega
Quittungsleistung form of acknowledgement; (act of ) signing of receipt or delivery note
Radlader wheel loader
Radrückenabstand wheels, back-to-back
Radsatzfesselung securing the wheelsets
Radsatzhalter wheelset/axle guide
radsatzselektiv wheel set specific
Radsatzstand Wheel-base
Radvorlegersystem scotch block fitting/system
RAL 5010 RAL 5010
Rampenvorbau (heated) enclosed ramp
Rangieranteil (warehouse) handling charges
Rangierfläche manoeuvering space, turning space, room to manoeuver/turn
Rangierpult shunting desk/console/cabinet
Rangierunfall, shunting accidents
Rangierzug shunting train
Entered by: Ronan Grace
Raster grid
Rastrierung detents, click-stop indexing
Ratiovereinbarung (Forward) rate agreement
Entered by: Anita Kobayashi
Raubox raubox
Raumerfassungssystem Be-In Be-Out system
räumlich und zeitlich gültigen EFS e-ticket valid for a limited time and area
Rückführung return, evacuation, removal (for recycling ???)
Rückkarte backing card
Rückkommissionierung reverse logistics/returns management/restocking
Rückstelllager retaines samples storage facility
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Rücktransport von Containern return of containers
Entered by: Sybille Brückner
Rückwiegung Outbound weighing
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