The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Transport / Transportation / Shipping Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Bsb Betriebsstellenbeschreibung
Buchfahrplan Working time table (WTT) (the Buchfahrplan is similar, but not identical, to the WTT)
Buchsenrichtung bushing orientation
Buchungsdatum entry date; posting date
Buchungskreis Company Code
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Buergereid ablegen to take the citizen's oath
Bug- und Heckstrahlruder, Doppelschraubenanlage bow rudder, stern thruster and twin screw system
Entered by: Christine Slattery
Bugmagnete bow magnets or fore and aft magnets
Bundesstraße (österreichisch) trunk-road
Bypassabwicklung bypass handling
Car-Reisezentrum coach travel centre
CFR Cost and freight
Chargennachweis batch verification
Chargenreinheit batch/load purity
Colli packet / package
Crash-Satz Crash data record / Crash record
CRN-Nr. Customer Reference Number
Customs exclave Zollausland
Dampfschlepper Steam-tug
Datenfunkbügel bracket for data transmission device
Entered by: Darko Kolega
DC Distribution Center
DDP Erfüllungsort Delivered Duty Paid at place of performance
Decksleute Deck hands
Decksluke deck hatch
dekadisch every ten days
den nötigen Raum geben we can accommodate your needs
der zwei um 90° phasenverschobene Drehzahlen liefert which supplies quadrature speed signals
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Determinierungsgrad degree of planning/forecasting
Entered by: Douglas Arnott
die Fahrt- und Haltstellung eines Signals überwachen to monitor the clearing and putting back of signals
Die Kette vom Rohstoff bis zum Endkunden muss konsequent mit Prozessdenken auf die Wertschöpfung getrimmt werden. To add value, a process-driven approach needs to be adopted consistently along the entire chain from raw materials to end customers.
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
die Kommissionierung von Waren order picking operations
Dienstfracht COMAT consignment
Dienstgut deadhead materials/items
Direktfahrten direct transport
Direktzustellung direct delivery
Dispo-Bereich dispatching/scheduling & dispatching/(warehouse) traffic management
Disponieren Operate
disponierte Lagergüter allotted goods
Entered by: Kevin John Purkiss
Disposition (in transport company context) dispatching (system)
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
dispositive Zulaufsteuerung advance supplies control
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