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Italian to English Botany Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
( botanica ) sp. pl. o spp.=specie plurime spp.
(rosso) corbezzolo (red) Arbutus unedo - Strawberry tree
a candelabro triple U-shaped /palmette candelabra
a doccia in quills or curved pieces
abbandono selvicolturale forestry management neglect
aborto dell\'ovario ovary abortion
agavi agaves
agriperlite agriperlite
agrumata citrus
aleuroidi white flies
alneti alder groves; stands of alder; alders
alta (context) tall shrubland
annata silvana forest vintage
Arabinogalattano arabinogalactan
arbusti da bordura border shrubs
argilloso-limoso clayey silty
Arieggiature e trasemina Aerations and overseedings
articoli articles / segments / joints
associazione vegetale plant species composition / "the vegetation"
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
asteracee asteraceae
attrito parietale al moto sliding door friction
autosterile self-sterile
è una miscellanea tra metallo argenteo ed esteri della glicerina it is a mixture of silvery metal and glycerine esters/esters of glycerine
baggioli Supports
bagno delle sementi seed bath
barba bianca chicory root
belle di notte moonflower
bocciardata bush-hammered
Entered by: Angela Arnone
boschi relittuali relict forests
bosco idrofilo riparian woodland
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
broteroa (Cardopatum corymbosum) Cardopatum corymbosum
Entered by: Angela Arnone
calacatta arabescata arabesqued Calacatta marble
canneto a cannuccia di palude Common Reed canebrake(s)
caprifoliacee caprifoliaceae
carta acetata acetate paper
chiara delimitazione della vena the veins are clearly visible
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
cianoficea Cyanophytes/Cyanobacteria/Blue-green Algae
cicoriella selvatica wild chicory
Entered by: liz askew
cimali, propagolo, bosco da seme topping, propagule, seed stand
ciste labdano cistus labdanum
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