The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian to English Poetry & Literature Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
colpo di mano coup de main
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
come luogo “da cui partire" a place to begin, to start anew
Comm’ \'o cecato nun garrava a via, like a blind man who could not find his way
compendio, riepilogo, riassunto compendium, re-cap, summary
composizioni a tema variabile compositions on different subjects
Entered by: Maria Burnett
comunemente si ritiene preferibile generally deemed preferable/held to be preferable
con i ferri saldati with (his) welded iron pieces / elements
Entered by: Maria Burnett
con una risata butta alle spalle shrugs off with a laugh
conforto solace
confrontando la guida looking it up in the guidebook
Entered by: Maria Burnett
consolidarsi in sé Find ones strength
Entered by: EirTranslations
Convinti di narcotizzarci con quattro tette al vento, cosi la poesia mostra .. So sure they could stun us by flaunting their breasts
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Coplas arqueriane Arquer's "Copla's," or verse compositions
coprofaghi coprophagists/coprophiles
cornice materica essenziale essential material/real/tangible framework
corre la posta travelling/riding by (stage-) coach
corre voce tradizionale che ivi fosse chiesa e convento tradition would have it that there was a church and convent/monastery there
Entered by: BristolTEc
così è se vi pare Right you are! (If you think so)
così come delle proprie maschere nor equally of his subterfuges
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
così prospettico sui personaggi focus(s)ing on the characters / character-focu(s)sed
Entered by: Maria Burnett
cruccolandiani Kraut/krautland/krautlanders
cuccalberi Cuccalberi
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Culture e istituzioni dei paesi di lingue iberiche in età moderna e contemporanea Modern and Contemporary Iberian Studies
curarsi l\'orticello take care of himself
da far tremare ogni certezza to (under)mine all certainties / every certainty
da guitto di circonvallazione, like a roadside wisecraker
dal commento facile statement of mockery, sarcastic remark , witty remark
Entered by: Maria Burnett
dall'alto from above
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
dando la tara seeing in the right perspective / for what it is worth
danza d'autore Dance Art
defunti non collocati unburied dead
defunzionalizzazione defunctionalization
degradanti sloping down
del Moderno Modern Age
delirare piano sulle corde. gently raving between the strings...
Entered by: Maria Burnett
denuncia sociale social condemnation
depositario di verità repository of truth
destinati a rimanere are here to stay
di emozioni provate. the emotions I'm feeling
di sguincio out of the corner of my eye
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