The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese to English Medical: Cardiology Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
圧平動脈 arterial applanation
(僧帽弁の)前突 anterior cusp of mitral valve
Entered by: cinefil
主要な適応 primary indications
下位(中枢)自動能 automaticity in the lower central nervous system
徐脈患者 bradycardia patient
心室の捕捉閾値 Ventricular capture threshold
心内波高値 intracardiac pulse hight value
心臓弁膜症 Valvular Heart Disease
ヒス−Vの延長 long His-V interval
コロ、サジ、 T1強調画像 coronal view, sagittal view, T1 weighted image
Entered by: Yuko Fujita
共存する concurrent with
共観医 consulting physician
Entered by: Yuko Fujita
管法則 Tube Law
頚動脈症候群 carotid artery syndrome
負荷陽性 stress-positive
捕捉 capture
Entered by: Kara ph.D.
洞不全 (洞不全症候群) sick sinus syndrome
房室同期 AV (atrioventricular) synchrony
房室伝導不全 impaired AV conduction
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