The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Journalism Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
desmanche (de carros) car breakers
Entered by: Paula Borges
direito de resposta ou de rectificação right of reply and correction
diretor editorial managing editor
diretor superintendente managing director
Divulgar / Divulgação promote / promotion
escoamento da produção distribution of production, outflow of production
escolha velha do marketing Old school marketing
expediente masthead
fôlego financeiro financial breathing room or financial wiggle room
ferrados screwed
Filme de trazer por casa que mete "B" movie
fios rules
forjaram shaped
Fotos: Divulgação Photos: Publicity
furo de reportagem scoop
Gancho "hook"
Ganhando Contornos de Verdade is shaping up to be true/close to the truth
garrafão de acesso (bridge) toll plaza
geração à rasca desperate generation
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
gola de pele fur stole
grande imprensa major (mainstream) newspapers
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
gratificado private security job
histórico background
Entered by: Valeria Verona
imersão sem preconceito unprejudiced / unbiased immersion journalism
Isençao impartiality, absence of bias
jaboticaba unique case
jogral Towncrier
Jovem Guarda Young Guard
lawyerly precision precisão jurídica
lesão à crendíce popular for taking advantage of people\'s beliefs
levantamento do caderno de encargos gathering of product requirement specifications
Lide Lead
linha editorial editorial line
Lusa Lusa News/Press Agency
matéria jornalística article, material, piece
material circulante rolling stock
Entered by: Rafa Lombardino
memes (tirinhas de internet). memes (internet comic strips)
mercado leitor readers market
mesas de camelôs street vendor stands/stalls
MInistério Público Department of Public Prosecution
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