The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Portuguese to English Journalism Translation Glossary

Portuguese term English translation
"cuestalhaço" cuesta + palhaços
"da redação" from the editorial staff
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
'O desfile virou uma mesmice. É muito chato.' The parade has become a rehash. It's really boring.
8 filmes estrangeiros inéditos no circuito comercial 8 foreign films previously unreleased on the commercial circuit
A CAMINHO DE ... On the eve (On the eve of its 30 anniversary;Approaching the 30th anniversary)
a madrinha de bateria. the drum section queen
acarretar juízos (in this context) to result in damages
alienacao (neste contexto) transfer of ownership
anúncio de procura de parceiro lonely hearts ad
Andrade Andrade
aperto fiscal Tight fiscal [policies]
apuração de notícias news verification/validation
apuração jornalismo (jornalism) newsgathering OR news gathering
Aquecimento na demanda increasing demand/increase in demand
Atualização de notas news updating
auto constitutivo da empresa Articles of Incorporation of the business
à luz do Sol como noutras as seen from any angle/no matter how one looks (at them)
barriga flop
bastidores behind-the-scenes / backstage / off-stage
Entered by: Carla Griecco
Bens Públicos public welfare
Bloco do Prazer Bloco do Prazer (Safe-sex Samba Group)
Blocos de rua lutam para manter a folia acesa Small samba parade groups struggle to keep the party going/alive
bolsa de reportagem reporting grant / reporting grant program
Entered by: Heather Phillips
brindou com sua presença given the privilege of
caderno de esportes sports section
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
caprichada utilitária sleek two-wheeler
cenários de atuação operating scenarios
Centro de Gerenciamento de Emergência da Prefeitura (CGE) City Emergency Management Center
Chapéu Title-tag/kicker
Chegam à mesa do consumidor reach consumers\' tables
chicotada blow
circulava pelo circuito hippie hung around the hippie scene
Entered by: Ana Vozone
colunão (ou tijolinho) news briefs
Entered by: Ana Vozone
colunista social social columnist
concurso público (neste contexto) Request for proposals /request for bids
Entered by: Rafa Lombardino
Consórcios poderão pagar de plástica a pós-graduação Consórcios (installment lottery pools) may pay anything from plastic surgery to graduate school.
cruzada (evangelistic) crusade
DA BASE Mainstream parties
descendo o pau em todo mundo criticizing / badmouthing everybody
desfilou pelo salão fantasiada de Baiana pareded across the hall in a "Baiana" costume
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