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French to English Tourism & Travel Translation Glossary

French term English translation
agence réceptive incoming agency
il en est sûrement tombé des pincées... it has been lavished upon...
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
implant located in (or just at)
mort manié deadbait wobbling or spinning
un phénomène migratoire...y recourir de plus en plus A new type of migration is encouraging her/the country to resort increasingly to this type of const
(il y a) peril en la demeure tomorrow may be too late
Entered by: Nick Lingris
(jusqu'aux) feux (d'artifice) (des belles nuits étoilées) fireworks
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
(qui voyagent avec différents) accompagnants accompanied by (various other categories of person)
(se sentir) bien dans son assiette feel great
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
(VF) Via Francigena
Entered by: Lara Barnett
-- --
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
...étape dans la route de la fonte qui expose... tourist trail displaying...
...d’autant plus élevé que cette délégation est par essence difficile letting others care for our children is in itself a difficult thing
Entered by: Gary Key
1/2 pension anglaise half board with English breakfast included
Entered by: Huw Watkins
a forgé la face de ce pays shaped the look of this region
abri fare
accompagnateur sur postes fishing guide
accro branches aerial assault course
Accueil de groupe et privatisation sur devis Available for groups or private events on request
Accueil sous douane Reception(welcome) at customs
activité animée organized activity
activité artisanale no trade, manufacturing or business activity
activité humaine traditional trades
activité informative, démonstrative et gustative includes information session, demonstration and tasting
affinitaire creates affinity
agencement pavé board et banquet boardroom/banquet layout
Entered by: Tony M
agences d’hôtesses event staffing agencies
Entered by: athena22
agent réceptif incoming agency
agglomération de la communauté d'agglomération inter-council partnership
Agréé Sociétés d’Assistance Approved for travel insurance purposes
aire naturel de camping (natural) camping area
Entered by: Laura Robertson
allotement allocation
Amateurs de vin wine lovers
ambassadrice ambassador
AMDE (agent de maîtrise d'encadrement) First-line supervisor
amenagement luxuriously appointed (appartment hotels)
amplitude journalière length of working day
ancienne emprise ferroviaire former railway line
années folles roaring twenties
apéros-contes story-telling reception/buffet
Entered by: Angie Taylor
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