The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Croatian to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Croatian term English translation
je konacno u upravnom postupku the judgement became final at the first instance, no administrative appeal available.
K-15 vacation allowance
kandidacijski odbor nominating committee
katastarski izvadak cadastre excerpt
Entered by: Larisa Zlatic, Ph.D.
kazneno djelo, prekrsaj i prestup felony, misdemeanor and infringement
kemijsko sredstvo other mechanical or chemical means
klasa Class
Klasa: 4994 Urbroj: 3939 Class / Reg. No.
koji se vodi kod pending before the (tax authorities)
kojim se pri odlučivanju izuzima člana excluding a member in decision making
Entered by: I H
kolegijalno tijelo collegial body
komunalni redar municipal services monitoring oficer
koristoljublje greed (gain)
KTO-1 form KTO-1,
Legal caption uvod (određene) pravne isprave
legitimiran possessing right of action
lišen poslovne sposobnosti declared legally incompetent (incapable)
M.Ž. [seal]
majstorski obrt s pravom prijema naučnika master craft entitled to admit trainees/apprentices
maloljetničko suđenje juvenile court trials/proceedings
materijalna i krivična odgovornost substantive and criminal liability
materijalna povreda zakona material/substantive breach of the law
Entered by: I H
materijalna prava benefits
materijalno pravni odnosi substantive legal relations
matica rođenih birth register / registry of births
matica rođenih Birth Register/Registry of Births
mirenje conciliation
mirni postupak amicable manner
mirovanje suspension
mirovinsko društvo pension fund management company
mirovni studij Center for Peace Studies
MPS MV (motor vehicle)
N.N. br. Narodne novine
Entered by: A.Đapo
na kojemu ovjerava of the notarised
na pragu rafinerije at factory (refinery) gate
Entered by: bonafide1313
na ruke majke paid personally to XXX, paid to XXX in person, paid into the hand of XXX
nalaže se is requested to....
nalaziti se is at client\'s possession
nasljedni dio share of an/the inheritance
Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo Teaching Institute of Public Health
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