The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Buntmaler colour painter
Entered by: Marc Svetov
Dachshaarvertreiber badger softener
Entered by: Ursula Derx
Darstellende Kunst performing arts
Entered by: Ursula Derx
das Andere zu sehen to see the otherness/difference in things
Entered by: Yuu Andou
das „beflügelnde Dritte“ the third aspect of art\'s address, its inherent capacity to exalt
Das Foto ist mir aus eigener Anschauung bekannt. I recognise this picture from having seen it before.
das hohe Lied von Kultur idealization of culture
das Lot weight / plumbline//figuratively: perfect alignment/upright stance/posture
Entered by: Helen Shiner
das Plastische the sculptural / plastic / three-dimensional
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Das Wesen einer dynamischen Kunst des Lichtes wird in der Glasmalerei ... belebt The art of light, dynamic in its essence, animates glass painting
das Zeug halten push to its limtis/like crazy/til you drop etc.
Deckelhumpen lidded stein
Deklassement Being declassified/cast out w/explanation?
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Dem Kuenstler missfielen an diesen Bildentwuerfen die ausgespart gebliebenen Ecken But the artist did not like the sharp edges that were left out in the sketches
deponieren store
der innere Zirkel inbuilt pair of compasses
Der Zufall spielt ihnen in die Hand as chance would have it…
des eigenen Ichs his own being
Die heilsgeschichtliche Bestimmung The predestination of Mary
Entered by: Helen Shiner
die jeder selber interpretieren kann. that everyone can interpret in their own way
Die Kunst ist die Vermittlerin des Unaussprechlichen. The mediator of the inexpressible is the work of art.
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
die Moderne modern art
die perspektivische Kontinuität continuity of vision / ongoing vision / mission / continuity of focus
Entered by: Helen Shiner
die Puppenfrau marionette
Entered by: Susan Madden
die Schlechter- und Ober-Skiwerkstätte ski shops Ober and Schlechter
die Zuschauer anzusprechen their talent for connecting with the audience
dieses Feld bearbeiten to develop this segment (domain)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Dispergierhilfsmittel dispersing agent, dispersant
Entered by: Ingo Dierkschnieder
Drehbahn ropewalk
Druckdarstellung printed image(ry)
druckgrafisch (Goya's) prints
druckgraphischen Blättern prints
druckplatte printing plate
Durchbruch - Übertragung einer Situation - Berlin - New York Breakthrough - Transfer of a situation - Berlin - New York
durchgefärbt (as optical quality of finish, e.g. in a range of finishes) 'deep-dyed', dyed, dye, stain
durchkomponierten / durchdeklinierten conceptually complete without being overly detailed
durchwirken to interweave/superimpose
Einauge/Rundauge cyclops
einbringen imbue/imprint/leave a mark/influence
eine Geschichte im Zeichen von Krieg A story marked by the imprint of war..
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