The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting Translation Glossary

German term English translation
eine in den Vordergrund gerückte bildparallele Tischreihung an arrangement of tables placed in the foreground parallel to the picture plane
Entered by: Steffen Walter
eine kleine Verbeugung vor den Anforderungen des Architekten give a nod to the architect's specifications/demands/requirements
einen toten Punkt überschreitet push past a point of resistance
Entered by: Mary Burdman
Einfühlungsvermögen in das Wesentliche with a keen eye for the essential
einflussstark very/highly influential
Entered by: Helen Shiner
eingedrückt dented or impressed
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Einlieferungscourtage consignment fee
Einschläge cover flaps
einseitig/zweiseitig abgesteckter Zapfen tenon with structural shoulders / tenon with structural and cosmetic shoulders
Entered by: Alison Kirkland
Einzelblatt one-offs/one-off prints/isolated studies
entgegenstellen contrast/oppose/counter
Enthaarungsstreifen aus Vlies depilatory strips
Entered by: Elisabeth Moser
entrealisierung dérealisation / derealisation
Entered by: Helen Shiner
entspricht dem Originalbild is a copy of the original showing XXX
Ereignisbilder depictions of historical events
Entered by: David Seycek
erfunden rediscovered / re-evaluated
Entered by: Jessica Klingberg
ergossene und erdrückte Oberflächen surfaces created by casting and pressing
Erklärungsnotstand lack of [plausible] explanations
erstklassig master
erwürfelt selected at random
Erzähltheater narrative theater
Expose provenance
Fahne rim
Entered by: Tom Tyson
Farbbahn bands/strips of colour
Farbflächen colour ground
farbräumliche Tiefe tonal depth / depth of colour
Farbtun the meaning and effect of color
Farbverläufe blending colors
Farbwelt choice/range of colo(u)rs, palette
Fassmaler (see link) polychrome painter / polychromer / painter (in combination with gilder)
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Fassungsabfolge decorative sequence
Fädelschnur cord
Feder und Pinsel in Tusche pen, brush and ink
Fehlstelle (in einem Gemälde) blank spot / flaw
feinteilig subtly detailed
Festtagsseite (Altar) open view / open wing panels
Fladerpinsel flat fitch
Entered by: Ursula Derx
Flusslandschaft mit Bootsstaffage, am Ufer Burgansicht riverscape/river landscape with boats and view of castle on riverbank
Folge (painting) series of paintings
Folie model, backdrop, background. context
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