The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Medical: Instruments Translation Glossary

French term English translation
poire de graphie exposure switch
porte-fraise reamer handle
porte-râpe Reamer/rasp handle
Entered by: Jenny Duthie
portefeuille de température temperature chart holder
Entered by: liz askew
portoir test tube rack
ports de têtes head positions
Posage Setting up or placement
Pousse broche pin cutter
pré-trou foré pre-drilled hole/pilot hole
prends le tournant du has brilliantly adapted to the manufacture of
prolongateur infusion extension sets
protecteur d'arrêt safety stop (berm) - Cotton Tips BABY Safety Cotton Swabs
prothèse hydrique hydraulic prosthesis
q.s.p.f. quantité suffisante pour faire
Entered by: Félicien Sirois
queue de cochon (Kuntscher) awl with handle
rampes de robinets stopcock manifolds
rayon circumference in this case
réalisation de buttée making/manufacture/creation/completion of a block
Entered by: liz askew
réaliser des cuissons de revêtements infrared heating system for curing coatings
Entered by: Donovan Libring
référentiel reference manual
reçu conforme calibration test passed (as compliant)
reconstitution de l'image de migration. image reconstruction of the migration path
recul minimum requis était de 2 ans. with at least 2 years of follow-up
remettre à plat review
repères sensoriels tactile markers
Entered by: liz askew
Repérage par harpon hook wire localisation
Entered by: liz askew
report transfer
RO RO readout
sachet soudé en U par SPC U-shaped heat sealed packet
Salibride salles hybrides Hybrid (Operating) Rooms
sangle thoraco-abdominale inductive inductive (chest/thoraco abdominal) band/strap
sécurisation de-pollution
sérigraphie print on the screen or front part of the unit
scannographiques images Images from CT scanning
se faire à la géométrie get used to the configuration
Serviettes pour collectivités paper towels (for institutions)
solde de bolus bolus balance
sollicités ponctuellement designed for ad hoc use or service
sonde béquillée Coudé (or coude) tip catheter
Entered by: Hollie Lanyon
souchier the strains are preserved and stored in a container/refrigeration and freezing appliance
Entered by: Erzsébet Czopyk
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